Thursday, March 6, 2014

Fake dugout equipment organizer

Softball & Baseball Dugout organizer DOM dugout manager

November 27, 2013 at 4:53pm
      My dugout buddy fake

The DOM the Original Patented Product
Consumers across the country continue to contact us about being mislead by a copycat low quality imitation of the Dugout Manager or DOM called “My Dugout Buddy” being offered at low prices throughout the internet and at tournaments just to make a quick buck without any concern for doing what is right, quality or the consumer.

Troy Thacker latest FALSE on Facebook, claiming that with enough likes he will be able put his product the Dugout Buddy at Wal-Mart Stores across the U.S. Without a Patent no major retail store will even consider a product. He continues to run around the internet with complete disregard for the law and the truth to make an easy buck off others hard work and ideas.

We have had several customers over the phone and at tournaments who said “we thought we bought the DOM, and to our surprise we ended up with this flimsy miniature imitation of the DOM” We suggested they return the product if they are not satisfied, they replied” we have tried to contact the owner with no response”. The owner of “My Dugout Buddy” Troy Thacker has a history of not being reachable directly by phone with a half dozen address and phone numbers that are not current. It appears that Troy Thacker has other individuals and institutions that are also interested in finding him to resolve issues related to his business practices.

Troy Thacker continues to hide behind his keyboard frantically trying to offload as many of his cheap imitation products before he is forced to legally stop.

We have attempted to serve Troy Thacker on more than one occasion. We have also confirmed that Troy Thacker is bouncing between residences of his own to avoid being served by us to be held accountable for his actions.

Unfortunately the wheels of justice move slowly and in the mean time, we need your HELP!PLEASE continue spreading the word in the Baseball & softball communities and remember the Dugout Manager or DOM has the rights to a PATENT .We are going to continue to do our due diligence to have these types of competitors do the right thing as well as fall in line with the USPTO guideline and laws.

If you are ever in doubt about the authenticity of the DOM or have additional information to report, please call us for assistance at 800-890-8987 or contact us at your chances of being victimized will be decreased significantly. We are frustrated that we have to write such information and sorry for any inconvenience and or confusion that this has caused to anyone. Thank you all for contacting us about this matter and mostly for the overwhelming support and input.

CSI Creative Spots Innovations
CSI Creative Sport Innovations