Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Dugout Organizer The DOM dugout manager Receives Patent Approval

SPORT EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORY HOLDIN DEVICE CSI Creative Sports Innovations Receives Patent Approval for the DOM Dugout Manager Baseball & Softball dugout equipment organizer Orange County California, U.S.A. – Sept 12, 2012 – CSI Creative Sports Innovations announced today the issuance of patent number 8,245,858 by the United States Patent Trademark Office (USPTO) for a Baseball and Softball dugout equipment organizer. The approved issued patent number 8,245,858 is CSI Creative Sports Innovations first of two patents with the second in its final stages of examination with the United States Patent Trademark Office (USPTO) and a third in process. Patent number 8,245,858 is for a simple yet ingenious (simply-ingenious) Baseball & Softball dugout equipment organizer called the DOM Dugout Manager that will insure safety and organization in baseball and softball dugouts throughout the world. “The DOM Dugout Manager is already a success and working as intended for both baseball and softball teams coast to coast across the U.S. “Hawaii to New York in approximately 32 states, Canada and soon Central America, “said John E Doran, CEO and founder of CSI Creative Sports Innovations. “The DOM Dugout Manager has proven its effectiveness, durability and fun likeability as a dugout equipment organizer with safety as its number one priority.” “Early success can be attributed to CSI Creative Sports Innovations understanding that a businesses must be flexible to adjust its strategic planning to offer the best quality products, services at the most cost effective price appropriate to the time, including careful consideration to both the economic environment during time of development and looking ahead to the foreseen economic environment such as the current economic downturn that we are in today, “said John Doran. That consideration also played a major role in the choice to go with an individual player concept instead of a shared or team dugout organizer concept. Looking ahead, CSI Creative Sports Innovations also realizes that “Corporate alliances are growing in numbers and account for up to a third of revenues and value at many companies. John E Doran will focus on building alliances and developing win/win relationships with other like-minded companies this year. "Make no mistake said John Doran, CEO and founder of CSI Creative Sports Innovations we know all too well the complexities that go with alliances that involve interdependence between companies that may be competitors and may also have vastly different operating styles and cultures, that will demand more care." For more information, For more information go to: Contacts CSI Creative Sports Innovations Email us at call free at (800) – 890-8987 or (714)-313-0518

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